
In case you are facing energy blue or crisis times, then retrofits are here for your aid!

More often than not, boilers wear out and tend to cause energy loss. These heavy energy losses and reduction in productivity can greatly affect the profits and costs of a company. It is due to this fact that people depend heavily on the use of retrofits.

Retrofits or better known as ‘additions’ or supplements to an existing heating system helps in curbing or minimizing heat loss to a negligible level or curing the heat loss issues completely.

BC Boilers provides retrofits and installation of the same for its clients facing repair issues or energy loss problems. Most of the heating systems of our clients either deserve a rebuild or a retrofit, in case new installation is not asked for. Instead of installing a completely new set of boilers, clients from divergent industries and requirements choose to install retrofits which can easily be installed as a make shift or incorporated along side or along with an existing heating system to reduce heat loss and increase productivity. Hence, improves the insulation of the heating system.